The Easter Tree

Growing up, I always looked forward to this time of year. The nicer weather, brighter days, and evidence of life growing in the garden were great, but what I really looked forward to was Easter. In my family, Easter has always been a bigger deal than even Christmas. My mom would start getting into the…

Saved, by the Rickshaw

We are in the height of dance competition season. While that can mean fun times with our teammates and lots of opportunities to perform publically; it also can mean STRESS! Now that I have two competitive dancers in this house, the possibility for stressful things to happen has doubled. The first competition of the season,…

Guys, I don't even need your help for this

On Being Bold

This week Remy has discovered slides.   Remy knew about slides before, of course. He loves the stairs at any playground and often climbs to the top (with one of us nervously standing behind him) where he waits for us to go down the big slide with him. This week, we accidentally ended up at…

Maybe Baby

Damn Diabetes, Indeed.  Around Thanksgiving last year, we got a call I convinced myself would never come. Because my hubby is a Type 1 Diabetic, we put our kids in a study called Trial Net. Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease, which basically means your immune system attacks you instead of viruses or bacteria.…

What do you do with baby teeth?

The other day I caught the kids snooping. They found a box full of memorabilia and were having a fun time going through it. It included items such as the hospital bracelets that no longer would fit around their arms and old birth announcements. They all agreed that the note I wrote to their dad…

On Being Still

This week Lent began. Lent is, hands down, my favorite season. My small family is not Catholic, but we believe in embracing truth and beauty wherever it can be found. And Lent is truly a season of truth and beauty. Lent has three main tenants: prayer, fasting, and alms giving. For the past eight years…

Love in the Age of Parenting

Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, and that means restaurant specials and sappy McDonald’s commercials and aisles of pink and red things assaulting your eyes in the grocery store. For those of us with small children, it means coercing lovingly supervising valentine writing. “Just write one more name, honey, just one more, and we’ll call…

For the Love of Crafts…

It’s the time of year where red glittery things line the store shelves and my 1st grader starts freaking her dad out with words like “boyfriend” and “Valentine.” I, on the other hand, am choosing to focus on all the amazing crafts I can squeeze in between now and the 14th. Today we had half…

“Hope is a beggar.”

Sometimes there is not enough chocolate in the shake to right the wrongs of the world. I curse myself for not having any chips in the house and where the hell did I stash the Nutella? Currently, my tastebuds must tolerate freezer burnt Tin Roof Sundae. I am a shitty mom. There…I said it. Not…

Ballerina In The Box

“It’s a girl!” Those words still echo in my mind, and forever remain in my heart. A girl. The day that Emaleigh was born was the first day that I got to experience a miracle firsthand. Ray and I created her! A first time mom, I remember being exhausted. But, I could easily stay awake…

On Truth & Beauty

A couple weeks ago I asked my kids how they would describe me to someone else. I must be a glutton for punishment. Boy Q said, “I would say that you’re…so, SO OLD! Like really old!” Then he dissolved into laughter. Girl Q sensed that she needed to say the opposite: “I would say that…